Affiliated Medical Group

Important Recommendations for Patients Taking Medications

At Affiliated Medical Group (AMG), we want to ensure you're getting the best care possible. Below are some key things to keep in mind if you’ve been prescribed medication:

Check the Manufacturer: Medications can be made by different companies. When you first pick up your medication, note the manufacturer. If your pills change in shape, color, or imprint when you refill your prescription, it could be from a new manufacturer. Get the name of that manufacturer from your pharmacist or prescription bottle, and if you notice any changes in how the medication works, let us know. Though many do not notice any difference in effect from manufacturer to manufacturer, some people are more sensitive to these changes than others. If you experience a difference in effect, let your provider know so that the manufacturer that works best for you can be noted on any future prescriptions. You can buy or decline any particular manufacturer at your discretion.

Check Your Medication at the Pharmacy:
Before you leave the pharmacy, look at your medication and count the pills. If something looks different or if you're missing pills, talk to the pharmacist right away. It's easier to fix any issues while you’re still at the counter.

Avoid Partial Prescription Fills:
If the pharmacy doesn’t have enough of your medication, AMG providers recommend that you do not accept a partial fill if at all possible. Instead, call around to find another pharmacy that has the full amount and then contact our office to have your prescription moved. Partial fills can cause delays and other issues, especially for controlled substances.

Out-of-Stock Medications:
If your medication is out of stock, don’t wait for it to become available. Call different pharmacies to find one that has it in stock and contact our office to move your prescription. If you can’t find it anywhere, let us know so we can discuss alternatives or next steps. We don’t want you to go without your medication!

Monitor Your Vitals with Primary Care:
It’s important to see your primary care doctor regularly to monitor things like blood pressure, heart rate, and other vitals. While we keep an eye on these within our scope of practice and monitor them at each visit, we also ask that your primary care physician monitor them closely and address any concerns.

Blood Pressure Monitoring for Stimulant Medications:
If you're taking a stimulant, you need to monitor your blood pressure and heart rate regularly. Please check your blood pressure and heart rate before each follow-up visit and review it with both us and your primary care doctor.

Lab Tests:
We may order labs to monitor your health while you're on medication. Make sure to get the initial labs done at your first appointment to establish a baseline and also complete any follow-up labs as requested. Your primary care doctor should also review these lab results for anything beyond our specialty.

Off-Label Medication Use:
Read our full entry regarding off-label medications here.

Side Effects & Interactions:
All medications can cause side effects and many interact with other medications. This doesn’t mean you’ll experience them, but it’s important to be aware. Contact us right away if you notice any negative side effects.

Follow Your Prescription:
Take your medication exactly as prescribed.

Do Not Share Medications:
Never give away, sell, or in any way distribute your medications.

Exercise Caution with Physical Activity:
Some medications can affect your heart rate, blood pressure, and/or other aspects of your physiology. Talk to us and your primary care physician before increasing your physical activity.

Secure Your Medications:
Store your medications in a secure (preferably locked) place to keep them safe. It is your responsibility to keep anyone else from accessing your medications.

Do not drive or operate machinery while taking medication.

Participate in Psychotherapy:
Medication is often most effective when paired with therapy. Make sure you're taking part in regular psychotherapy sessions.

Avoid Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs:
Do not use alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, nicotine, or any illegal substances while taking your medication.

For Women:
If you're trying to become pregnant or think you are/might be pregnant, let us know right away. If you are not using contraception and are sexually active, you can become pregnant at any time. Even if you're using contraception, there is still a chance of pregnancy, so watch for symptoms. No matter how many contraceptive methods are being used, there is always a chance for pregnancy. If your contraceptive method ever changes, notify your provider immediately.

Healthy Lifestyle:
Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including monitored exercise under the guidance of your primary care doctor.

Practice Good Sleep Habits:
Establish good sleep hygiene to support your overall well-being. Maintain consistent sleep/wake times, keep your bedroom quiet, at a comfortable temperature, dark, and relaxing, avoid screens near bedtime, avoid large meals and alcohol before bedtime, avoid caffeine in the afternoon/evening, exercise regularly and to exhaustion, limit naps, and keep a consistent bedtime routine. If you wake in the night, do not look at screens or clocks.

Benzodiazepine Use:
Benzodiazepines carry risks of dependence if used long-term. We recommend tapering down and discontinuing these medications safely under the guidance of your provider. If you're on a fast taper or run out, detox is recommended.

Fall Prevention:
If you're at risk for falls or feel dizzy, sit or lie down immediately and do not stand or walk without a support device.

Manage Stress:
Reducing stress is important. Avoid taking on new responsibilities without considering the impact on your stress levels.

School Medication Forms:
Some school districts require that the bottle match the directions on the form exactly. If your child is taking the medication differently than the bottle instructs, notify your provider so they can make any necessary changes. We are unable to fill out school medication forms for medications that are still in their trial stages.  

Please note that this list of recommendations is not exhaustive. Your provider may give you additional recommendations based on your individual needs and circumstances. Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider to ensure the best care.

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